Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Joy Uncontainable


 Her words are few. She just smiles a lot. I see her every week, and the expression never changes. In fact, it grows bigger with each new week.  I don’t know her story. I don’t even know her language. Our only means of communication is through smiles.  Hers is the brightest. It seems to be an honest reflection of gratitude. But for what? My team and I are there weekly with a new activity, several songs and a lesson. She absorbs every minute of that time. Her brothers come with her, and they seem thankful, too. I’ve decided it must be joy. But it’s more than that. It’s like nothing I’ve ever observed before. If you asked me to describe her smile, I’m not sure I could.  It’s comparable to a field of sunflowers. From a distance, you see warmth, and lots of light, but when she’s standing in front of you, there’s so much more there : depth. You could study it for hours and never fully grasp the raw life there. Exhaustive is the best adjective for it. And each smile is different, but similar to the last; all streaming under the reins of indelible joy. In case it isn’t obvious, I love it.

                When I took this job in February, I knew stories would develop. I knew I would be challenged. I wouldn’t have taken the job if that wasn't inevitable. But I never imagined the blessings. It has been more than I could have ever asked. A precious friend and I were discussing gifts recently, and she said something which resounds with this story,

                We as humans are so small-minded. We never think of praying for something so sweet as this. It’s amazing to think that God ultimately creates the biggest blessings. But then, of course He does. He is God!

                She was referring to her new baby(who was, incidentally, in her arms...but then, where else would she be?) but I think her words apply to life. Of course we don’t generate the sweetest blessings because we cannot fathom how mightily God wants to bless us! We are his children; his beloved. Just think of how affected and effective our lives would be if we walked in that! Knowing, BELIEVING  that our Heavenly Father waits to shower us with blessing upon blessing every day…it gives me chills.

                I found out later that my little ray of sunshine’s name is S. She is from Iran. Iran: the source of much conflict and strife at this particular moment. Persecution is happening there. Lives are lost minute-by-minute. S and her family were involved in a terrible explosion, and her parents decided to seek refuge in the USA because of the kindness they were shown by American soldiers. When I first heard that, tears flooded my eyes, and even now…sitting in a coffee shop…entirely exposed…I’m stifling tears, and my heart leaped a little(talk about embarrassing…I have no shame). Her little brother, A (who also always smiles, and loves drawing pictures representing USA) was named after one of the soldiers who rescued their family. Who would have thought that such a beautiful story could come from chaos?

                I easily forget that this is God’s specialty—creating beauty from catastrophe. It’s what He did when he sent his only son to die, then to be raised, so that we might live whole and complete in freedom. Eternal life is our ultimate blessing. Being claimed, pursued, and loved. But the blessings don’t stop there. They are raining down.

                S smiles because she feels safe. She feels accepted. The love that she knows radiates from within. Her joy is ucontainable because it just. keeps. growing.

Wherever you are in life, whatever you're experiencing--pain, heartache, loss, confusion, anger, anxiety, shame, insecurity, and whoever you are, remember this: You are valued. You are normal. You are not alone. You are a blessing to someone. And you are being blessed somehow. You are SO worthy of love.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom – Luke 12:32, NIV

What I’m trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God’s giving…steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don’t be afraid of missing out. You’re my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself- Luke 12:29-32, The Message

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